
The Adaptation Registry: Connecting Decision-Makers with Vetted Adaptation Service Providers through an Open-Access Registry ($25,000)

Recipient: EcoAdapt

Project Partners: The American Association of Adaptation Professionals

Decision makers from communities and organizations of all sizes represent the constituency and market for the climate service providers sector. These practitioners and local leaders need expertise and guidance as they seek to make climate-informed decisions. Yet, this rapidly growing field currently has no mechanism to help connect service providers with those in need of their services. Because the field does not have standard certification, practitioners who contract with service providers have no way to determine the degree to which services providers are experienced, capable, or competent. As a result, they may work with providers who may not be a good fit for their community or organization and at worst contribute to maladaptation or increased risk. The Registry addresses this challenge by gathering information about service providers that is useful to service seekers and by making that information accessible and user friendly.